A Striking Conclusion
Infinity Bites 7
It strikes me, as the theatre in Mariupol in Ukraine where hundreds of citizens were sheltering is struck by a bomb, despite ‘CHILDREN’ being written in huge letters front and back to warn Russian jets away, that humanity is still hopelessly screwed up.
I watch social media posts from delusional spiritual junkies float by telling me that “We are moving back into our connection with the Divine Mother and our multi-dimensional self.” Boom! Another school’s out… forever.
Cloud Cuckoo Land
“Our DNA is activating, our Original Human Angelic Template is buzzing and our New Human Light Body Blueprint is vibrating powerfully.” Crash! Another hospital hemorrhages and flatlines…
“Such a powerful integration that is happening now as we head towards Equinox where we will align our chakras and balance our auras.” Whack! A line of people queuing for bread turns to toast.
But “Go gently”, they advise. “Lots of rest is required and lots of self-care. This is not the time for pushing forward. Just gently flow with the energies.”
Slam! Every window of a huge suburban block of flats implodes and the facade is entirely ripped off. “Just gently flow with the energies.”
Peace & Love & Other Fairy Tales
Of course, I’m totally into peace and love and all that, but waving your arms around to pretty music in friendship circles and making petal offerings seems risibly irrelevant when folks just a couple of countries away are waving goodbye to their arms… I mean, if they could, they would be…
I’m making petal offerings of my own, mind you. I thought, well, helpless as I seem to be, let’s start with a pathetic gesture to at least get these feelings out of me, and we’ll see where it goes from there.
My petals are in the form of my Infinity² puzzle painting squares, which I’ve coloured in Ukrainian blue and gold, embellished with very unsmiley blood-spattered smilies indeed and will put up all over the walls of Paris this weekend.
Hopeless & Helpless
So, just how helpless are we, and how hopeless is the human condition? Well, I don’t see things changing globally much – just look back at history to see how the same craziness repeats right the way down the centuries which means that, in fact, hard as it may be to swallow, this sort of situation actually is perfectly normal for our seemingly fucked-up species. We’re actually ‘doing human’ ok…
Wake Up And…
I don’t buy this idea that the world is currently undergoing a global ‘awakening’ and we are rising to another level of enlightened consciousness for a minute. Look around you, people! Who needs to wake up? That’s just wishful thinkers and dreamers desperately wanting their lives to be somehow more special than for any other era.
Every generation of parents is convinced that kids have never been so privileged and ungrateful for it, and that this must be the absolutely worst time to bring children into the world, like, ever. Until next generation. We never seem to learn.
… Smell The Roses!
All this might make you think I’m terribly bitter and pessimistic about things. Not at all! I smell the roses every chance I get. I simply think that pretending things are other than they are is not very helpful. I love life, and see my role as trying to play my note in the symphony or place my piece of the puzzle the very best I can.
And we’re not so helpless. Some people here in France are loading vans up with food and supplies and driving over to Poland to distribute them to the Ukrainian refugees there. Some are offering to house them. The world has arguably never been as unified as it is now, against Putin’s invasion, with a couple of ‘usual suspect’ exceptions, uneasy about ‘upsetting the bear’.
There’s nothing that brings people together like a good old-fashioned crisis. Solidarity and largess abound as old differences are laid aside… for now.
Blame The Bunnies
Mankind’s problem and curse is that we became too successful at breeding, and lost touch with our connection to the rest of the universe, especially the other living things with which we share our home. This could be our downfall.
It’s perfectly normal for subgroups of many species, such as lions or next door’s yapping dog, to protect their territory from rival groups. You don’t get the entire feline or canine race coming together for a pow-wow and agreeing to impose sanctions on the rogue snarlers or woofers.
We should remind ourselves that, despite the high-profile cases showing us to still be aggressive barbarians at the core, the vast majority of people these days manage to get through their natural lives in one piece in relative peace. Numerous irritating or simply stupid rituals have evolved to enable us to somehow keep our shit(ty societies) together, and we conform as best we can. That’s part of the game.
Life Is A Game
If you do look on the whole thing as an amusing pastime, and even go as far as to consider that by being allowed to take part (by being born), you won, the rest is like playing on the house’s money. You’ve got nothing to lose (although your borrowed time is limited) and life can even approach something resembling pure joy. Although I might be writing a very different article if my school, house or parents and children had just been cluster-bombed.
Watching some of the breathless “live death, direct to your living room” reporting on TV about the Ukraine crisis at the moment, I was impressed to see how closely the Russian missile strikes resembled the ones on popular warzone video games, thinking they’d done a really good post-production job. Until I remembered that, unlike the PlayStation and Nintendo versions, real human lives were being ripped apart on the end of those mothers.
Still, according to some of my spaced out Facebook contacts, “I am loved and supported by my Angelic and Galactic families and I am never alone”. Yes, I can almost feel Vlado’s benign presence recording my keystrokes as I type. So there’s that.
© Sab Will 2022
Sab has been exploring the creative human experience in Paris for over 25 years. He writes words, makes pictures and encourages connectedness every day. He thinks that being creative on a regular basis is a wonderful way to lead a worthwhile, enriching and generous life. He’d love to help you make the most of your infinite potential too, creatively and authentically…
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