Crazy Site
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I’ve had the Lazy Pig name for over 20 hazy years and the crazy thing is… I’ve never done anything with it! Then last week someone wanted to buy it and I thought No way, Babe!
“This is it buddy,” I said to myself. “Call yourself creative? Then create LazyPig.com whatever it takes!” I listened to myself, for once in my life, and this is the result.
Looking back, there’s no way I had the life experience 20 years ago to talk in-depth about creativity, productivity, curiosity and infinity the way I will here, so it’s all good!
In case you oinked and missed it, LazyPig.com will be a homebase and showcase for my regular articles and musings on four broad areas:
🎨 Creativity Bites ~ Getting amazing ideas like never before
⚙️ Productivity Bites ~ Starting… and finishing projects like a pro
🧩 Curiosity Bites ~ Enjoying all that’s weird and wonderful about life
🌈 Infinity Bites ~ Finding pleasure and peace through deep understanding
Now go and read some articles; you never know what will happen until you do. Let me know what you think, and… Enjoink! 🐷

Lazy Pig
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Pure laziness and constant activity are both characteristics I’m familiar with, amongst others. It’s no longer clear for me which is which, nor which has the upper hand at any given moment.
In the past, I’ve certainly been a wearer of labels, some which were stuck on me, and others I’ve actively pursued.
These days, trophies, qualifications, status symbols, designer clothes, famous friends and even impressive achievements – as perceived by others – interest me less and less, if they ever did.
I’ve imagined a little guiding motto of sorts, and haven’t felt the need to change it over the last few years, which may mean something. It goes:
learn ~ create ~ share
I’ve been tempted to add laugh and love to this triumvirate but in the end simplest is probably best, and when you’re learning, creating and sharing, love and laughter is omnipresent.
This three-pronged approach to life is actually a cycle or a circle, one with no beginning and no end. It doesn’t matter which you start with because learning will lead to creating, creating to sharing and sharing to further learning, and so on.
Nor is there a clear sense of direction or of cause and effect. It may be that the idea of sharing something with a loved one will “cause” a gift to be created. Or the idea of creating something will incite the learning of an important technique.
Nor is The Creativity Cycle, as I call it, it a solitary affair. Sharing with others and learning from others is a natural consequence or aspect of the interconnectedness or “oneness” of all things.
Finally, instead of “calling myself names” by saying what I am, which goes back to labels and is fairly meaningless, I prefer to say what I do, and that in the present as much as possible. Often, it’s as much a surprise to me as to anyone!
For example, this week I have apparently taken some photos of Paris, written a few articles, had coffee with a friend, eaten a lot of ice cream and… started a new web site called LazyPig.com, which I seem to be working on as I write, so at least that much must be true!
Next week will be different, of course. I have no idea how, and I might let you know about it at some point, but I really couldn’t say right now. I hope you like it here. 🐷

Hazy Idea
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