I Create Therefore I Am

I Create Therefore I Am

Creativity Bites 1 

I get a huge buzz at the launch of every new creative project; you might even say I live for that moment, often to the detriment of what follows. Does that ring any bells with anyone? I’m sure there’s even a fancy name for people like us, but that’ll be for another Pigsty Bite.

In order to make sure I’m actually producing useful stuff as well as just dreaming up impossible schemes or mildly amusing myself, only 1 in 4 of these posts will be directly related to creativity. Productivity Bites will be about turning our wild and wonderful ideas into real world items. Infinity Bites will look at the deeper side of life, the universe and possibly everything if space and time allows. And finally, Curiosity Bites will be celebrating the funny side of life, although I’m sure there will be plenty of fun in the other three Bites too.

So, oops, I did it again, here I am creating yet another web site with yet another kooky name on yet another wacky subject. What’s it all for? What’s the point? Why do I bother?

Well, here’s a funny thing. To me, I’m not bothering to do anything. It feels much more like I’m being pushed or pulled to do all these strange things by some invisible force far more powerful than me. I understand that not everyone has this compulsion to create and that some people have no desire to make anything in the traditional, arty, spare time, hobbyish kind of way. But that’s not exactly the creativity I’m talking about.

We can look at creativity in two ways. Sure, one is when we decide to paint a picture or knit a jersey or make a cake. Before this happening there was nothing resembling the thing about to be produced. Then we had an idea. Then we performed the actions necessary. And, lo and behold, a pretty picture was beheld, a warm jumper was offered and worn, a tasty cake was enjoyed by a grateful family.

But there’s another sort of creativity, and that’s the fact that we are creating our lives every second based on our actions, our decisions, our choices and our preferences. We’re inherently creative beings and I actually think we don’t have a choice. We have to be creative, and we are, with every breath, or our lives would cease to be. Creativity is what we are!

Now that I’ve suggested that we are the living embodiment of the creativity of the universe itself, I want to go back to explicit creative acts and encourage you to bring new things into existence as often as you can!

When we create, we are happy, engaged… and highly inventive. When we give ourselves a creative challenge, we quickly become absorbed in the task and forget any feelings of obligation or irritation or even difficulty. We enter a wonderful state of flow, which shuts down any distractions such as time worries or external sounds which might get in the way of this completely satisfying task. We get so into it that when we come out of the state, we are both surprised to see how much time has gone by, and even better at what impressive things have been achieved. It might even seem like someone else was responsible for the results because later on you might not even remember writing the words, painting the picture or combining the ingredients.

I personally believe that creating original things regularly is one of the best ways to lead a happy, worthwhile and caring life. Caring, because once you have created something cool there is nothing better than sharing it with someone you love. So go create something, anything, today, however simple, and then give it to someone and see how it makes you feel. Here’s my guess: alive!

© Sab Will 2020 🐷



🧩 Sab has been exploring the creative human experience in Paris for for over 25 years. He writes words, makes pictures and encourages connectedness every day. He’d love to help you make the most of your infinite potential too, creatively and authentically

🌈 Let’s EXPLODE 💥 your CREATIVITY! 🚀 Get in touch…