I’m Curious Therefore I Am

I’m Curious Therefore I Am

Curiosity Bites 1

When I imagined Curiosities as one of my four main categories here at the Lazy Pig, I didn’t really have things like “Why did the chicken cross the road? Because the Lazy Pig on the same sidewalk coming towards her wasn’t wearing a face mask (in coronavirus times)…” in mind.

While your standard jokes can be funny – strangely enough! – I find that everyday life and language itself provides an endless supply of curious and often hilarious situations without the need for pre-fabricated laugh-bites, as it were. Which is why I’ve never been much of a fan of stand-up comedians… wow, I’m sounding more and more miserable by the minute, sorry about that!

No, what I’m talking about is the mind-twisters, the enigmas, the thought experiments and language play which often, I have to say, makes life worth living, whilst slowly driving you mad(der).

Oh, I can’t resist, I screen captured a thing just a minute ago, look:

Things To Think About

🤔What if my dog only brings back the ball because he thinks I like throwing it?

🤔If poison is past its expiry date, it is more poisonous or no longer poisonous?

🤔Which letter is silent in the word scent, the s or the c?

You see? THAT’s what I’m talkin’ about! Wacky wild wonderful stuff like that! Nutty stuff. Ridiculous stuff. Stuff that has no importance at all but is a million times more fun to think about than what the weather will be like tomorrow…

More Things To Think About

😯Do twins ever realise that one of them is unplanned?

😯Why is the letter w, in English, called double u? Shouldn’t it be called double v?

😯Maybe oxygen is slowly killing you and it just takes 70-100 years to work properly.

In a world of woe and willful naysaying and negativity, isn’t it nice to just chill out and think about something utterly trivial yet just as profound as much of the other crap we fill our lives with? Like, oh, killing as many people as possible playing Call of Duty or just passively watching some nice graphic murders or rapes safe ‘n’ cosy on your sofa in front of your favourite crime series every evening, for example?

Thought There Was Nothing More To Think About?

🤪Every time you clean something, you just make something else dirty.

🤪Swivel the word swims through 180° and it still says swims.

🤪Intentionally losing a game of rock, paper, scissors is just as hard as trying to win.

So there you have it. One sort of curious fun to be had from not taking things too seriously, I guess. There are others; lots of others. I’ll share some of them heres, me dears.

© Sab Will 2020 🐷



🧩 Sab has been exploring the creative human experience in Paris for over 25 years. He writes words, makes pictures and encourages connectedness every day. He’d love to help you make the most of your infinite potential too, creatively and authentically

🌈 Let’s EXPLODE 💥 your CREATIVITY! 🚀 Get in touch…