Psst, Wanna See My Krudenshuls?

Psst, Wanna See My Krudenshuls?

Productivity Bites 2

People don’t often ask for my diplomas or certifications or where and with whom I’ve studied or what school of thought I follow on such and such a topic these days, but it does sometimes come up.

This isn’t a problem, because my response is simple. “You wanna see my krudenshuls?” (I don’t spell it like that when I speak, of course). “Sure, I can show you what I’ve done so far today.”

They normally don’t get it, or think I’m being cocky or clever, which I am and I’m not. You see, there is a HUGE problem with qualifications.

Studying Very Little A Very Lot…

Qualifications are traditionally awarded for studying something quite specific, usually very theoretically, before being “qualified” to officially do what it is you’re studying. In other words, right up until you’re qualified, your completely unqualified, if you see what I mean. That’s a little bit funny.

Will you actually be any good at doing anything vaguely related to what you studied, out there in the real world? Who knows?

But we’re talking about productivity here; having interesting ideas and getting them out there (whilst having fun – that’s important), and fast! I’m not sure if having fun is part of the average university curriculum, but there are probably exceptions.

That’s why I say, sure, I can show you what I’ve done so far today. If that isn’t enough for them, I can point to this week’s endeavours, this month’s, this year’s, this decade’s and so on.

But That’s Enough About Me; Let’s Talk About You. What Do YOU Think About Me..?

About the very last thing I would do is try to impress or even reassure them with some random qualifications I may or may not hold. Spoiler Alert: people lie too, y’know!

Which is why I spend half my time creating stuff and the other half encouraging others to be as creative as they would love to be.

I get people to start producing and continue producing when they really want to but don’t think they can. That doesn’t happen just by waving some official-looking piece of paper under their nose.

What impresses people – as in what sinks in – is to see someone creating stuff, day in, day out, with about as much concern as when tying shoelaces.

Qualified For What, Exactly? Being Human?!

Another reason I hit potential clients with this sneaky retort is that they themselves are often hung up over their own qualifications or perceived lack of them. They don’t think they’re there yet. Not quite ready.

As soon as they’ve finished their latest online course or that book on their trending pet method (allowing them to put off actually getting off their backside and doing anything meaningful – but scary – for a bit longer – oops, shhh)then will be the time, but not just now.

They don’t realise that experience and confidence come from doing the thing you’re inexperienced in or unconfident about. It ain’t rocket science, but folks need to hear this quite forcefully, on a regular basis, for it to have any impact.

You get experienced by doing it. You become more confident by having a go anyway.

Play With Your Balls…

I’m learning to juggle at the moment. I do a few minutes, three times a day, whenever I pass the balls, left conveniently along my way. A few days ago, I was dropping every ball I threw. A 100% failure rate, no less! Now I’m up to ten tosses without wiping out. Double figures already, guys!

I’m expecting this upward trend to continue, but I didn’t get there by leaving my tackle on the table. I will, however, try to leave any sniggering references to the joy I get from playing with my balls right there and move swiftly on.

But look: get up in the morning, do the thing you say you wanna do, and then get on with the rest of your day. If there’s any of it left! You’ll feel delighted with yourself, be wondering what all the fuss was about, and be raring to wake up tomorrow morning and do it all over again! How hard can that be? How cool is that not?!

OK, it can seem quite hard. I know that because I spend half my time – remember – helping incredibly creative folks really create and produce what the genius inside is bombarding them with. Which is why I’ll have plenty of fodder for The Lazy Pig to chomp down on for as long as I’m compost mentis, be sure of that!

Oh, just one last question: What have you produced already today, and if not, why not?!

© Sab Will 2020 🐷



🧩 Sab has been exploring the creative human experience in Paris for over 25 years. He writes words, makes pictures and encourages connectedness every day. He’d love to help you make the most of your infinite potential too, creatively and authentically

🌈 Let’s EXPLODE 💥 your CREATIVITY! 🚀 Get in touch…