I’m Infinite Therefore I Am

I’m Infinite Therefore I Am

Infinity Bites 1

Are you leading a happy, fulfilling, meaningful, worthwhile, enjoyable and generous life?

If you answered yes, then that’s great. You can stop reading and carry on where you left off and sorry to have interrupted your idyll! Then again, if you did answer yes, presumably reading articles like this one are a fully integrated part of that relentless bliss, so by all means carry on reading. I’d be delighted if you did, except I won’t actually know about it unless you tell me…

Or perhaps you answered no. You don’t, in fact, have the impression you’re leading a happy, fulfilling, meaningful, worthwhile, enjoyable and generous life. Again, stopping reading this article, which is no doubt just the latest distraction you clicked in the interminable chain of social media madness… and doing something else a bit more “interactive”, like talking to one of the humans you live in the vicinity of, for example, might at least stop things from getting any worse.

Or maybe, just maybe, you think there might be some nuggets here, buried in amongst the manure. You might not be wrong; there might be.

When I called this section Infinity Bites, it’s because I love the idea of infinity, and it’s always fascinated me. Seeing as my creative support for your creativity goes by the name of Infinity Coaching, and my art is called infinity², and my new bringing-the-world-together-through-art project is called the Infinity² Connective, and the home for my photography, writing and creativity masterclasses is called Infinite Creativity NOW… well, as you can see, me and infinity have a bit of a thing going.

What do I mean by infinity though? It’s simple: the Big Questions. What it’s all about. Or not. Life, the Universe & Everything. Who we really are.

No dotty doctrines or implausible prescriptions. A fun and profound enquiry at the same time. Why fun? Because my deepest desire – and we will talk about desire later, don’t worry about that, it’s on the list! – is to feel that I’m living a good life at any given moment. A worthwhile, enriching and generous life, in fact.

The way I check is to ask myself, at any given moment, “Is this fun?” “Am I enjoying this?” A huge part of the pleasure comes from communicating and connecting, which is one reason I’m writing these words. You can check out the rather fascinating Infinity² Connective project I mentioned above if you want to see one fun way I’m encouraging connectivity creatively. I’d love to connect with you!

P.S. Oh, sorry, I almost forgot. And yes, profound too. Fun and profound go very nicely together, I reckon.

Seeing as we’ve got this god-given gift (or god-awful curse, if you prefer) of being able to ask ourselves “What the actual hell am I doing here?” in a way no other animals or anything else seems to, it would probably be quite useful to deal with that.

If we spent just a little more time thinking about good old Life, the Universe & Everything, and why not throw in the fundamental interconnectedness of all things for a laugh, then we’d be rockin’!

Who knows, maybe we’ll trip over World Peace and Global Love & Understanding while we’re at it. Man. “Imagine all the people…” (Thanks, John)

© Sab Will 2020 🐷



🧩 Sab has been exploring the creative human experience in Paris for over 25 years. He writes words, makes pictures and encourages connectedness every day. He’d love to help you make the most of your infinite potential too, creatively and authentically

🌈 Let’s EXPLODE 💥 your CREATIVITY! 🚀 Get in touch…